Over the years I have worked in many health settings including a six month residency in St Barnabas hospice, Worthing, a residency with young people in Swindon Hospital school and, more recently, an ongoing position delivering art on prescription with Artlift across two GP surgeries. The transformative, healing and confidence building capacity of making art together never ceases to amaze me and it has been a huge privilege to be part of so many people's lives.
To stand beside a woman with previous struggles with addiction, abuse and homelessness as she gives her first talk at the private view of her first group art exhibition is unforgettable. Unlike other medications art comes with no side effects, it is a relatively inexpensive treatment and it's benefits can last a lifetime. Below are some first hand comments by past participants.
To stand beside a woman with previous struggles with addiction, abuse and homelessness as she gives her first talk at the private view of her first group art exhibition is unforgettable. Unlike other medications art comes with no side effects, it is a relatively inexpensive treatment and it's benefits can last a lifetime. Below are some first hand comments by past participants.
'This is time to spend just on art and it's so relaxing - it takes me away from everything, time totally for me'
‘Talking things over with someone is a help but it is a temporary fix. Teaching someone how to combat stress is something that lasts a lifetime. This is a lifeline to a happier life’
'...with my illness life can be so hard, I know each week ... the hope will get a little stronger'